+91 9172 5678 98

Software Development

With the advent of the technology era, small and large enterprises are on a constant quest for introducing innovative ways to simplify how things work in their organizations; and right software solutions can help businesses achieve productivity, efficiency and scalability.. Whether it is to upgrade legacy software applications or build new applications for your company, Merriment System provides you with the most apt software development services to best suit your organization's requirements. We can help you build Cloud based applications for your organisational use or to offer your services on subscription basis to your clients (SaaS/PaaS model).

Our technology stack

  • Development frameworks: Microsoft .NET and .NET Core
  • Application development: Asp.Net, Angular js, Bootstrap, C#, VB, PHP.
  • Database: MS SQL Server 2008, MySQL, Oracle.
  • eCommerce Platforms: Odoo, NopCommerce, Zoho.
  • Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports, Excel, Word.
  • Cloud platforms: AWS, MS Azure.